Friday, April 8, 2005

Quick Little Update

Kris is finally in PARIS!!!  Yesterday was the best day ever because I finally got to see my best friend!  We went to lunch at this cute little restaurant out by the Opera Garnier, then walk all over...from the Opera to the Place de Vendom to the Tuileries/The Louvre.  It was awesome.  Then last night it was technically stop day eve, which makes today STOP we all drank in the dorms.  WHAT A NIGHT.  Didn't get drunk though, but we had fun.  Liz--knock on the wall one more time, see what happens! :)  This morning Kris and I got up and went grab coffee and a muffin...then went to the Arc de Triomphe(wow!) and the Champs Elysees!!!  We were going to go up the Arc de Triomphe but it has been raining all day, so we opted not to.  We walked all up and down the Champs Elysees and oogled at all the stores...we did end up going in  a few, and I finally found my birthday present!  I got the most beautiful watch...Bubbee and Grandpa, wait til you see what you bought me!  I'm VERY excited!  Then we went to a nearby bar to get out of the rain and had a drink.  Gotta love the drinking age in Europe.  Speaking of which...since I will most likely not be at the computer before monday:

Sunday I will be in the dorms probably between 3p.m. and 5:30p.m.(Paris time) and then after 11 p.m. (again, Paris time).  If you call and I'm not there, leave a message with Liz and I'll call you back...if no one can try back later.  Liz takes great messages though! :) 

Oh and cuz I'm a major dork, I came up with a little song for my birthday:  Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me, I'm officially allowed to be drunk in public, Happy 21st Birthday to me!!!  HAHA I KNOW I'm a DORK.  Don't care!

Side note:  The past 3 months have been amazing, good, bad, and indifferent.  Unfortunately, my time here is SLOWLY and QUICKLY coming to an end seeing as I am now coming home next Saturday(the 16th).  My dad and I now have more in common: dehydration and a trip to the hospital, however, I was smart enough to sit down before I blacked out to avoid further injury.  Hope the ankle gets well is out til June or so, what to do???

anyways,  lots of love!




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