Saturday, March 12, 2005

1 down, more to go...

Ok, so I finally found an internet place near the dorms that I can use, and change the fonts on my some days you'll get lucky and see bigger fonts.

This first week in Paris has been an interesting one...Thursday we had no class because there was a strike on the metro, and since that is really the only way we can get our 45 minute commute in for class, we got up to find out we had a "snow" day.  It was nice, I got a lot of homework done...and a nice nap at around 1.  So far the dorms are good.  I really like having everyone around so I can talk to people, and it's fun to have people barging in your room just to see what's up again...ah, freshman year.  On the other hand...there's no where to really be alone because you're always around people.  So I've confided in my mp3 player and a lot of matchbox 20 and other things to drift off into my own little world.  It's know me, I love my music!  Yesterday we went to Chartres.  It was nice, a gothic cathedral to add to our list of 20 million churches we've already seen.  It was really cool actually because stained glass is a big thing in gothic churches and it's pretty. :)  Then Liz, Marli, Nicole and I went to a little restaurant in town for lunch...I had vegetable soup sans any actual vegetables in it, but it was still really good and hot considering it was freezing out.  Then for dessert, bring on the crepes!  I had never had one and Liz had crepes for lunch, so the rest of us decided to get dessert crepes.  I had mint ice cream with hot chocolate sauce and whipped cream.  OH was good!!!  We went walking around a bit, and found ourselves at the Monoprix(the grocery store).  Liz and I invested in some pillows because the one long hot dog shaped pillow on our tiny little smaller than twin sized beds just doesn't cut was nice.  I also bought some hair dye...a nice red/red-brown...don't stress--I'm one of those people that when life gets dull or I feel bored or something,  I dye my hair.  Ashour's not I bought some color in a's not like it won't grow back or I can't cover it a little, right???  Maybe the reddish hair will spark some adventure, who knows. 

Today I am meeting with Kent(our European studies prof) and Marli to tour the Marais area for our "group" project...I say group meaning me and marli, everyone else is in a 4 person group, we opted not to go that route for a million reasons...    Professor Sprecky(his name is Sprecklemeyer, hence, we have a nickname that he doesn't know about...) is going to get us started on our research for our little presentation.  Woohoo...

Next weekend I am going to London to see Laura...who's excited??? ME!  YEAH :)  Liz is probably coming with, oh man, good times! 

Anyways, I'm out of here to hit the store before I meet Mr. Sprecky.  Oh yes, and I would like to thank my freshman year of hs keyboarding teacher/also my mother for teaching me how to type without looking at the keyboard because when you're in france and the keyboard is SO NOT what it is in the states and the letters are all messed up, but you can switch it so that when you type it's like you're typing on an american helps that you know where the keys are originally.  :)

I'm outta here folks...

all my love

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