Sunday, March 13, 2005

And it's Sunday

Happy Sunday???  Not really...the Jayhawks lost to Oklahoma State yesterday in the Big XII tourney.  Seriously, those Hawks need to pull their heads out of their asses, get it together, or March Madness is going to be Bill Self ripping into them with a large butcher's knife because they're RETARDED.  What happened to Langford?  Who knows...but if my boys lose in the first round of the tournement, I am officially giving up my love of Jayhawk basketball because that's pathetic.  :)

Anyways, I slept in today (until 11) and have been reading's 5:30 here.  We have uber amounts of reading to do for western civ...and it's not fun.  No offense, but John Locke just doesn't spark one ounce of curiousity in's BORING with a capital and emphasized, italicized B.  YUCK.  Marli found this awesome little cafe that is near our classroom, but it's smoke free (which in Europe is something unusual) and they speak fairly good we went a read there for a few hours.  Now that I'm only on page 70 of the 150 boredom that is John Locke, my brain is fried and I'm no where near done because after Locke, I have European Studies to read, and Art History because tomorrow afternoon we hit up the Louvre for our first visit(there are 2 since the place is HUGE...and even 2 only covers about a millionth of what's inside!!!)  AHHHHHHHH homework is great...Marli and I are going to dinner later, assuming it's open there's a little place down the street that sells Gyros(yummy).  It's sunday so a lot of things are closed...woohoo.

Anyways, life is going by and my hair is now reddish brown...woowoo!!!  I love coffee and my new pillow from Chartres!  :)   oh...p.s.  Yesterday on our little visit with professor sprecky, it started hailing/raining ice/what looked like street salt, and he handed marli and i his umbrella so we could have shelter on our way underneath a building...and after it being in my hand for like 12.2 seconds, it snapped in 2!!!  Crap, I broke my teacher's umbrella...oops! :)  sorry...

Lots of love

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