Wednesday, March 16, 2005

The H&M Experience

Hi Y'all! it's been a few days.  Let's see:  The past few days have been the LONGEST ever, lack of sleep--packed full of all sorts of class.  Monday after class, I had the pleasure of having my very first trip ever to H&M(it's a big clothing store over here...that they have at home too).  I have to say all that hype from Jeff, um I mean Professor Dr. Brown, was definitely deserving...I bought 2 shirts, 2 headbands for my unruly hair, and an AWESOME army green denim purse that rocks :)  I have a purse fetish...I know!  Yesterday I was home for about 3 hours total...I woke up at 7:30 to leave at about 8 for class, had class until 12:30, a small break for lunch, then a 2 hour walking tour through part of Paris with professor Sprecky...the Touileries Gardens about a perfect picnic/chill with a book and or friends spot!!!  Not to mention that the weather was GORGEOUS!  I definitely did not even  need my sweater jacket.  I got home around 4:15, rested til 5, showered, got gorgeous for the opera/ballet that went to last night...pretty entertaining.  I had absolutely no idea what was going on because I had never read Wuthering Heights, but it was cool. The seats sucked because there was NO leg room and sitting in the last row was oh-so fun!  After the ballet a bunch of us went out for a drink, yeah for being legal to drink it europe! I had a glass of Sancerre, my mom's favorite french wine! YUMMY. :)  i got home around 11:30 talked to my parents til 12, and then went to bed at 12:45...A.M.  So yesterday was LONG.
Today we had our site visit(finally) to Notre Dame and Saint Chappelle.  Saint Chappelle was awesome, the stained glass in all of the Gothic Medieval churches is pretty.  The weather today is even better than yesterday, no jacket required!  :)  I'm wearing a t-shirt and let me tell you, I LOVE SPRING.  It's supposed to be about 65 tomorrow for our AMAZING visit to Versailles.  SURVEY:  who's excited about going to Versailles??? ME ME ME ME ME ME!!! :)  I'm a dork, I like history--besides, how COOL is it going to be to sit in the room where they signed the Treaty of Versailles to end WWI??  Probably cooler than I think!!  
OH--so we're learning all about the Henri's and the Louis's that ruled France...yesterday we talked about Louis the XVI...the biggest idiot of them all and for an hour in European studies I kept thinking to myself(only grandpa irv will get this I bet):  "Louis the XVI was the king of France in 1789. He was worse than Louis the XV.  He was worse than Louis XIV.  He was worse than Louis the XII...he was the worst, since Louis the first."  "If you had been a nicer king, we wouldn't do a thing but you were bad you must admit.  We're gonna take you and the queen down to the guillatine and shorten you a little bit..."  anywho, I think Allan Sherman rocks.  :)
Today is after I buy my tickts to go to London over Easter weekend...I'm outta here to roam the city, go to the market, and whatnot...

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