Wednesday, March 9, 2005

Bonjour Y'all! for those of you that might just maybe would want to call me...I don't know what my cell phone number is yet because although my phone works, the numbers are spoken in french when you call to get the number so it'll be awhile before I can find someone who can tell me what the number is.  HOWEVER, there is good news!! I have a dorm room phone number that I can only receive calls from and has no answering machine other than my roommate Liz ! :) haha.  But, I enjoy hearing from anyone that might want to call!  Ok ready for it?? the number is:  33(that's the country code) 1 44 16 67 98.  You have to dial 011 first to call but that's the number.  I'm usually in my room after 8 p.m. my time(7 hours difference) so feel free...I enjoy phone calls! :)

Anyways, so far today was ok.  We got to sleep in, went to the Musee Cluny for Art History then came back here to check email and whatnot.  Tonight it is homework and more homework...our journals are due for western civ and european studies and we have like 2 books to read for western civ and stuff for art history...but we don't even know if we have class tomorrow because the metro people are going on strike as of 8p.m. tonight, so they think and the trains might not be running tomorrow, but they might have like 1 in 4 going...but who knows.  So basically, I'll have to get up tomorrow and hope that I got up for not nothing...and go to class.  PLUS tomorrow for art history we're going to see the gargoyles at notre dame!! WOOHOO

I'm out...All my love!
Au Revoir

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