Tuesday, March 8, 2005

Welcome to Paris

Hey Y'all...ok, so first things first:  The computers at the ACCENT center is Paris don't allow me to change the font, so this is as good as it's going to get...so break out your magnifying glasses and enjoy.
The rest of my spring break was sadly shaken by the fact that I am not going to Israel--and unfortunately, it made the last couple of days sad.  Yes, I will still get to see Danielle when I come home to the big AH but I won't get to be in Israel for awhile...possibly over winter break, we'll see.  Friday we hung around the hostel in Switzerland--I was not in the mood to do anything...so we watched a bunch of movies: Amelie, Zoolander, and the Usual Suspects.  Saturday we went to Geneve(Geneva) and got to see the outside of the UN--woohoo.  Totally exciting(note the sarcasm).  We were going to stay in Geneve that night but there was no where to stay because everything was booked...so we tried to get to Paris a day early, except all the trains were full.  So we opted to go to Lyon(pronounced Lee-yohn) which was 2 hours away, and 2 more to Paris.  When we finally got to Lyon, we stayed at a hotel across the street.  The next day we booked our seats to Paris at 7p.m. because that was the only train we could get on--and we still had to pay 43 Euros to supplement to first class because all of the 2nd class tickets which our Eurorail passes are for were booked.  It was a nice 2 hour ride.  
So far Paris is alright...I'm DEFINITELY having adjustment issues  but I'll get through it.
Not much else to say for now...

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