Wednesday, February 9, 2005

Happy Happy Joy Joy

Ok...more pictures have been added, and captions have been put up. So enjoy!

Let's start with this...after a wonderful weekend in Rome and a steamy shower sunday night, Via de Porcellana #8 no longer has any hot water...or heat.  Literally.  I know I bitch about it being cold here, but our heat it literally out.  They're trying to find someone to come and fix it--maybe tomorrow morning they said.  Needless to say that the 5 of us have not showered since Sunday...and we're starting to smell kinda funky!  We've had plenty of offers from people to shower at their place...but it's just to far and we think we'll wait one more day...maybe not.  But DAMN it was cold last night.  I had multiple layers and it was ICE.  

Pizza monday night with liz and the boys was great as usual...for some reason the pizza place has like laughing gas in it--either that or liz is just a blonde.  Sometimes I swear she doesn't think before she speaks, but MAN it's FUNNY! (love ya lizzie!)  
Tonight we are going back to our little restaurant, Trattoria Sostanza, that's across the street from our apartment...yeah!  It'll be yummy!  Tomorrow night we're going for mexican with Madeline, WOOHOO. Chips and salsa...delish!
As for going out this weekend...Jeff is currently 0 for 2 as far as finding clubs that exist, so we'll see!  Friday is possibly our trip to Venice, which will be exciting.
Friday is this girl Meg's 21st birthday, so we're all going out to celebrate...but I won't drink TOO much because saturday morning my FAVORITE roomie for next year who's in Paderno del Grappa in coming in for the weekend!! YEAH I <3 Sarah L...sasha Kaun, what's up???

I'll keep y'all posted...all my love.

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