Wednesday, February 2, 2005

We Have Nothing to Fear...

But Fear itself...

WOW! 436 is definitely the magic number, and that last 10 really did it for me! Yes, there are 436 steps from the bottom of the Duomo to the top.  Aside from the fact that you're caged in between two walls about 4 feet from each other, the steps will kill ya!  Actually, it didn't take too long to go up, but man, 436 stairs is definitely my exercise for the day...wait, the week. (Britney would be super proud!)  I stopped right before the last 10, because I needed to catch my breath(again) and beside I had to psych myself out for the view(for those "uninformed" I'm terribly afraid of heights).  I walked outside and the view was AMAZING!  You can see the entire city, and then some.  I didn't stand too close to the edge though--kinda just a little creeped me out.  BUT...I MADE IT! I survived, and I am so happy that I did it!  I have pictures coming soon on that one.  Afterwards, we had some time to walk around, and my legs were shaking terribly, but they're stable now! :)

Last night we went to dinner at the Sprecklemeyer's apartment(our professors) and had a really nice meal!  They had like an anti-pasto, pasta and spinach, and for dinner chicken catchatorri(yeah, definitely don't know how to spell that!) It was good. It was fun to sit around and all talk and get to know our professors a little better.

I'm EXHAUSTED!  After climbing the Duomo, we had our site visit to the Uffizi Musuem.  It was so cool to look at all of the paintings and learn about them and stuff...but it got to the point of crankiness(me? right, I know...unimaginable) because we were all tired, and there were ALL KINDS of crowds pushing their way through--I was tempted to slap some! hehe, just kidding.  The Uffizi is HUGE...lots of walking.

Change of subject, change of color: HAPPY 21st KRIS!  A toast for my best friend's birthday(which only she will truly get): Here's to you, here's to me. Friends forever we shall be, but if we ever disagree--(*edit*)screw you...HERE'S to me!  Have a freakin' fabulous time tonight...wish I could be there! :)

Anywho, I'm going home to eat dinner and attempt some homework and definitely take a long nap(aka a night of sleep!)


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