Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Man can I shop!

WOAH!  Happy Wednesday...aka my day of shopping!  I had class this morning and then decided to have myself a day of mucho dinero(or Euro) spending!  HA! Most of what I bought were gifts anyways.  However, I did find myself a really nice present(aside from my pink purse!) that I am going back to buy in a little about fun!  I'm not disclosing what I am going to buy though, because let's face it, certain people reading this are on a need to know basis, and frankly, they just don't need to know! :)   Oh man, it felt really good to get my "fix." Everyone pretty much knows I am my mother's daughter and can shop with the best of them, whether it's at Gucci(highly unlikely I'd shop there, but you get the idea) or at Target for a huge sale...I like to shop...woo woo!  Still haven't bought what I really want though and that's shoes, unfortunately though I have clown-sized feet and they don't make them in my size here!(shut up robin, I know what you're thinking!) oh well...

Monday night was SOOOO fun!  Madeline, Jeff, Kevin, Liz and I went for our usual pizza and gelato night...then went to see Meet the Fockers at 10:45...I personally thought it was really funny, but then again--I would.  Maybe I'm the only one that can see how hilarious/realistic Barbara Streisand and Dustin Hoffman make the whole "Jewish Parent" thing.  WOW...they really do know how to make it real...I totally saw my family in that movie...oy vey! 

The past couple days have been fun-filled with homework...oh joy.  We have our art history mid-term on monday and our western civ I final a week from thursday.  It's kind of insane how fast all those big fat tests are coming up--and it's even more amazing that I'm only going to be here for another 8 1/2 days!  I'm really going to miss Firenze...but watch out Paris! :)  More later...

Ciao Bellas!

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