Sunday, February 20, 2005

My last weekend in Firenze

An update on my last weekend in Firenze:

Friday we got up at the crack of dawn to get on the bus to Ravenna...The town was lacking in, uh just about everything except mosaics.  We had about 4 hours to have lunch and roam before we got back on the bus after our tour--4 hours was entirely too long.  Oh well.  We got back to Firenze about 8 and Jeff, Kevin, Marli, Madeline, Liz, her friend Meagan, and I went to this diner for dinner and ate american food.  It was SO yummy!  Afterwards we went home to get ready for a night out!  We went to Space Electronic which is the club right by our apartment.  We went mainly to do a shot of Absente which is this stuff that supposedly has toxin in it and supposedly makes you trashed after one shot--HA.  We mainly went to do it because it's illegal in the states, and of course, we HAD to try it!  Well, we were all more sober after doing 2 shots of it each than before we went out.  It was kind of a dissapointment, but we still had fun dancing(after they stopped playing techno...yuck!).  And of course Jeff was a happy camper because they played his song just as we were leaving and he still got to dance to it! LOL. 

Saturday Nicole, Liz, Meagan, Jeff and I went to Pisa.  As Jeff likes to put it: the town is a pisa-shit.  HAHAHA--totally original. HOWEVER, he's totally right.  If it weren't for the leaning tower(of cheese-ah...from the Goofy Movie folks) the town would be a waste of space.  It was really cool to see the tower though...kind of interesting.  Saturday night I went to dinner with Meagan and Liz at this restaurant kind of down the street from us--Trattoria Marione.  It was really good food. 

Today ROCKED!  I slept in and then I have been studying ALL DAY! YEAH!!! (sarcasm sucked).  I wrote my western civ paper--which rocks, and then I have attempted to study for my art history midterm which is tomorrow. HOLY CRAP I'm so not ready.  Too many dates, too many pictures, too many Ninja Turtles--I mean artists.  UGH...I'll get it eventually. last weekend in Firenze was really fun!  We have only 5 more days here.  I'm really sad because I love it here.  Spring break will be exciting though--greece and switzerland!  Paris will be exciting, but really different.  But at least I'll get to be roomies in paris with do do do do inspector gadget! LOL. 

Anyways, I'm off to do more studying...ugh! 


Quote of the moment:

"It's always so much longer than you counted on.  And it hits you SO MUCH harder than you thought.  But you don't worry, you don't worry cuz you've got soul." ~Matchbox 20~

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