Monday, February 28, 2005


WOW!! SPRING BREAK BABY!  I finally found internet, and so I will catch everyone up on the past few days:  BUT FIRST:

ROCKCHALK JAYHAWK GO KU!!! Way to pull it together and beat OSU to be #1 in the BIG 12!!!!  GO HAWKS! 

Friday morning we took the train from Florence to Rome.  That train was running a little late, so we got to Rome a little late, catching the train to the airport 30 minutes later than we wanted to.  It would have been ok if that train had left on time instead of almost 40 minutes late...leaving us to arrive at the airport at 10:30 AM!  Yeah, FYI...our flight left at 11!  WOW.  So of course all 7 of us are running like mad trying to check in for our flight...get through security which was a joke, and then catch our flight.  Luckily we made it in time and got to Athens as scheduled.  It was very nice at first...then it started to rain, no big deal. We had a nice dinner friday night at this little walk in place that the desk guy, Nicholas--who is the cutest old greek man EVER--recommended.  Gyros baby! It was good...and CHEAP.  I love that a can of diet coke is only 1 euro here, it certainly beats the 2,50 in Florence! 

Saturday morning we woke up and went to the prehistorical museum and spent a few hours there.  It was definitely cool, but OLD haha.  Then Kevin, Nicole and I went and had lunch.  Afterwards I went back to the hotel for a nap--I was exhausted!  For dinner saturday night we went to this place in Syntagma, a few metro stops away, for a good dinner at this vegetarian restaurant--Madeline is a vegetarian so we all went.  It was really good food, however not exactly authentic Greek...or really Greek at all.  I believe quiche is french!  Sunday we woke up really early, had breakfast, then went to Acropolis.  It was really cool!  The view was AMAZING.  You could see EVERYTHING from the top.  I got a lot of good when I get to Paris, you'll get to see them!  Then Kevin, Nicole and I went and had lunch, and then to the Roman Agora, then walked around a bit.  We went to this garden/mini-zoo area called Zappio(I think) and saw chickens trying to kill each was interesting.  Then we went home and had dinner at a restaurant we found while wandering. 

This morning we got up and went to is one of the islands.  We took this really awesome boat that only took 40 minutes to get there...walked around a lot, had lunch--with much disappointment because baklava was definitely listed as a dessert and what does the waiter tell me? THEY'RE OUT.  I'm're WHAT?  So far, no baklava, or ouzo for me...but there's still tomorrow!  We went to dinner tonight at the same place we went the first night--it was good, so we went back.  Jeff got here this afternoon after spending a few days in Corfu while attempting to drive a four-runner(yeah, with no luck...way to tip it).  It's strange...we've all been apart for like 4 days and I really miss everyone.  Though I'll probably deny it from here on out just cuz I can...but aside from everyone (like Lizzie) that I miss, I was very excited to see him and hear all about Jeff's little adventure at the Pink Palace! 

Tomorrow I might be going to Delphi with Jeff.  It sounds exciting.  I need some new people to hang with, cuz I've spent the past 2 days with Kevin and Nicole alone and apparently I'm one of the last of everyone besides Kevin and Nicole to notice that they could not like each other more...hello, THIRD WHEEL.  It's ok, I'm usually the third wheel, but seriously folks...either do something about this flirting OR STOP. LOL.  It's kind of cute though.  :) 

So far I've only been gone since friday and it's awesome!  Like Robin told me the other day (reference from Friends, obviously) there's a difference between spring break and spring vacation:  spring vacation is like what Robin will be doing in a few weeks:  Spending time with your parents and grandparents, even though she'll be in florida where it's WARM.  Spring break is more of the end of what I'm doing: WOOHOO having a blast and living it up.  I'm not drinking like a fish or going crazy like spring break normally consists of, but let's think about this:  I'm in GREECE.  I'm going to Switzerland in 2 days...WOOWOO! It's AWESOME!

OH:  my Italian cell phone number no longer I don't suggest trying to call it.  I will have a french number when I get to france on my cell phone, AS WELL AS a dorm room number which is probably what I'll use the most.  Just to let you know.

Also, since it's a month before my birthday, I figured I'd give everyone a little insite:  my list is very short of things I want...I'm already getting the best present ever, my best friend is Paris on my birthday, and my parents in a few days later.  However, there are some things on my list I would like.  My parents are(or will be) the informed party on this list...or email me.  It's short and sweet, so check with them if you want to know what I want.  THANKS :)  (and yes Grandpa Irv, I would LOVE a 22 year-old boy for my 21st birthday! ...only he knows what I mean! LOL)

That's all for now folks!! ALL MY LOVE AND THEN SOME!!!

CIAO--I know I'm not in Italy anymore...but I LOVE CIAO! :)

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