Sunday, February 13, 2005

I hate Cupid, Stupid

Ok...the past 72 hours have been quite eventful.  I don't have much time so I will sum it up quickly(ha).

Friday we went to Venice.  Our train was supposed to leave at 6a.m. and we all got up at 5.  However, we were uninformed on the fact that the trains were on STRIKE. Yeah, so we didn't get on that train, but we waited around until about 8:30 to see if that later train would did.  Then in Bologna we couldn't figure out which train to get on...we were a little confused and tired, but we made it there.  Venice was cool--it wasn't as great as I expected, but it was still fun.  Oh man, holy traffic jam batman.  We took a water taxi to the other end of Venice from the train station and there was a major traffic jam(or boat jam) holding us up.  There was massive protesting about something and it was insane! The police on their little motor boats had to come in a clear it out...what activity on the Grand Canal. Geez! We walked around for like 5 hours from one of town to the next and poor feet!  It was really neat to get to see everything.  OH...what the?  Pigeons in MASSES eating food off of people who actually PAID to have that happen. I've never seen so many fiesty pigeons in MY LIFE especially in one lump.  We were all waiting to get crapped on--nice huh?  I swore though if it was me, the pigeon that did it would have died! LOL.   We all came out of the pigeon masses clean.  On our way home, we missed the train we were supposed to get on, cuz that was on strike too...was late for our connecting train--but that train hadn't left yet, so we made it and then instead of leaving at 5p.m. and getting home around 8:30, we left at who knows what time and got home at 11p.m.  After a fun yet exhausting day, I ran home, changed and then met Jeff to go to Meg's 21st birthday party at some club.  HOLY DRUNK PEOPLE.  Geez, we got there a lot too late.  Everyone had already had too much to drink--I would too if I had been there on time and paid 15 Euro for all you can drink in 3 hours...I did pay 15 Euro and I drank...but c'mon, I may be a lush and whatever, but I can't drink myself stupid in an hour.  But it was kind of fun to be able to order a bottle of champagne that would cost 15 euro alone and drink it.  WOW.  Too many people throwing and being the dumb drunk american's we were sort of told not to be.  You'll all be glad to know I was not that dumb drunk american...I was the not so drunk yet no so sober american helping everyone of my friends into taxis so that they could get home. OY VEY.  I needed a drink after that one!

Saturday morning after going to bed at 4 a.m. and being up almost 23 hours, got up and met Sarah L.(my roomie for next fall) and her friends at the train station!  We had a good day--we walked around town and shopped--I didn't buy a thing, crap.  I took a lovely nap later in the day, then we went to dinner around 9...we had a really GOOD meal.  I don't have a freakin' clue what I ate...I mean I do, pasta and chicken...but I don't know what I ordered exactly.  I ate it anyways, sauce and all. BLEH. We all had wine...Sarah and I split a bottle of Carantino or something, it was sparkling white wine and REALLY GOOD.  We were all a little toasty after dinner.  We didn't get out of dinner until 12:30...CRAZY!  We grabbed a taxi to the club by my apartment and went dancing til 3 a.m.!  Man, I love hip hop...I felt right at home! LOL.  We had good night!  This morning however...I'm a little tired and my feet hurt--oh well! for the subject of my journal today.  I do hate Cupid, stupid.  Tomorrow's Valentine's Day, or as Sarah's friend Meagan likes to put it "Single Awareness Day." Seriously, it's just another reminder that we're all single.  Eh, is good and who cares(I mean I do care...but really, I'm having too much fun to care really).  Tomorrow is also monday and we all know what that means...Pizza and Gelato with Liz and the boys!! :) YEAH!  We're also meeting up with the rest of our roommates after their class and we're going to see Meet The Fockers at the movie theater.  I've already seen it, but it's so freakin' funny!!  Should be a good night...we all have our "dates" and let's be honest:  Valentine's Day=chocolate is a vegetable, therefore, I will be eating lots of chocolate :)  Not that I really need an excuse to eat chocolate or gelato...yum.  I did finally try coconut gelato--it was good but only in small doses.  I don't really have a Valentine this year...let's face it folks, every year sinceoh I don't know, 1985(I was born after V-day for all those on the short bus today! :)  )  I have had the best Valentine EVER because I got cards and chocolate covered marshmellows from Fannie May...yeah, my daddy is my Valentine!(sorry Mom...but you're off the list! haha).  Too  bad this year I won't get my chocolate covered marshmellows--ah, more gelato for me!

Ok, I'm off to do homework and read really boring stuff on some Saint that I really don't understand. 



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