Tuesday, February 1, 2005


ROCKCHALK JAYHAWK!!! We beat Misery 73-61!  HAHA GO HAWKS!

Ok, so I finally got pictures on shutterfly.com, but I'm pretty sure you can only view them if I have emailed the link to share my album with you...I sent it out, but if you didn't get that email and want it--email me and let me know!!  

Last night was so much fun!  Liz and I had our usual "date" for Monday night pizza and gelato, and Kevin and Jeff came along. It was lots of fun!  Then after we had dinner, I wrote my horrible European Studies paper...then at 1030 we went to see Donnie Darko at the movie theater that plays English movies!  I wasn't totally impressed with the movie, but it was still fun to go!  All month of February they are playing really good movies...so I'm excited!
Tonight we have dinner at our Professor's apartment...it's my apartment and the two guys...should be fun!  Tomorrow is our big big day: we are climbing over 400 steps to the top of the Duomo.  WOW...that's a lot of darn stairs.  If I survive the climb, my trainer Britney would be very proud! and I will write back and tell you all about it...and if I don't survive, well, I won't write back!  More later...time to go walk around a bit and take a nap!(oh how I LOVE nap time!)

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