Monday, January 31, 2005

Some random thoughts...

Ok, first things first: Let me just say GO HAWKS! Congrats on the 90-65 victory over Texas saturday night!  Tonight is KU v. Misery(aka Mizzou) MUCK FIZZOU...let's definitely eat tiger for dinner and LOVE IT!

Secondly--my weekend kind of blew...except of course for saturday night's dinner, which I have to say I never thought I'd be so excited about: McDonalds! man, it was sooo tasty! yum...

Today we had class...woohoo. Nothing special.  However, we had to read Seneca: Letters from a Stoic and let's just say my mom's voice was in my head the entire time after I read the sentence in his book: Treat others how you want to be treated. (man, she thought she was SOOOO clever making that one up on her own! haha).  Scary huh?  I thought my mom was smart and made that up--guess not! (just kidding--she's smart...she made me think it was her own idea for all those years!)

Tonight is monday night pizza and gelato with Liz while the rest of the roomies are going to their cooking class...yeah! The boys are coming with tonight(oh joy, Jeff is coming--I may not go! :) )But man, gelato is so yummy!

Anyways...I'm totally and completely procrastinating writing my European Studies paper that is due tomorrow...I don't wanna write it!  So I'm off to attempt to do the darn thing so I can enjoy going out tonight!



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