Sunday, January 23, 2005

la pioggia (rain)

It's raining, it's pouring the old man is snoring.  He went to bed and bumped his head...I'm not sure if he's gonna wake up! :)  Today it's cold and rainy and plain old just yucky out.  Which I guess just makes for a nice sunday for us college kids to do homework...oh wait, that was last night!  Friday night was cool--we went to the Irish pub by the guy's place, then to a discotechque by our place.  It was interesting, but I was a little homesick because clubbing is my thing at home and so it was hard to take it all in without my favorite people back home.  Yesterday we woke up and we went to the fresh produce market--which I have to say is amazing!  There's meat and stuff  downstairs and fresh fruits, veggies, and all kinds of other stuff upstairs.  It's really cheap and there's so many choices.  After that Marli and I went to the Penny Market(grocery store) and had lunch nearby.  The sandwiches here are soooo yummy.  I have absolutely no idea what I'm eating most of the time--probably for the best--but the bread is amazing and they have all been really good so far!  Then I had a great day--very exciting:  I sat on my bed and read Plato for class til I was bored stiff...finished the book, then wrote 1 of 2 papers due tomorrow.  The European Studies paper was kind of a's a personal journal, but we have to talk about certain landmarks and things.  Then I read my John Grisham book til I fell asleep around midnight...

I woke up this morning, showered...and wrote my western civ paper.  That one took a little more effort, but it's all good.  I decided I couldn't let myself get to the computer until I was done writing it, in pen and fully complete. (all of our stuff is hand written here, so it takes a little longer...)  Then I ran into Liz at the internet train and since it was full, we went and got the richest, thickest hot chocolate anyone will ever attempt to drink.  It was so delicious though!  Now we are back at the internet train for a bit...then back home to read like 80 pages for European Studies.  Not that I'm complaining...but that's just a LOT of reading. oh well :)

Not much else to say for this was ok.  It's strange to think that we've been here for over a week.  It seems like so much longer, because we've done so much.  It'll be really interesting to see how the next 5 weeks go, because if they're anything like this'll be packed with stuff to do.  I am definitely hoping that this feeling of missing home will go away though.  Not that I don't want to miss home, but it definitely makes things a little harder here.  don't get me wrong, Firenze is awesome...but I miss all y'all(my y'all for all my L-Town people) back home!  Va Bene!


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