Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Buon Giorno

So since Sunday...we've started classes.  I know, ultra-exciting.  Anyways, yesterday(Monday) We had Art History at 9 a.m. and after about 30 minutes of lecture we started to look at the outside of the Duomo, the Baptistry, and the Campanile.  We only did a little of that because we had our site visit there later in the afternoon, so we just started on it.  Afterwards, we were all walking back to class for Western Civilization, and one of the guys, Jeff, decided to stop and get coffee since it is freezing here. (ok, I know it's like below zero at home, but when it's 40 and windy, it's pretty chilly here too!...that and there's no central heating...and our classroom is ICE).  Anyways, I went with him to get coffee...neither of us speak Italian very well, which was funny to listen to us try and get some coffee.  Getting our drinks took longer than we planned, and the 15 minutes we had to get to class was not enough.  We were completely laughing and joking about the fact that we both got an A+ for stupidity of being late on the first day of class!  Haha...It was really funny because for the rest of the day(and probably the trip) we called ourselves the "misfits" that were late.  It was fun. :)  
last night wasn't really exciting, we basically made dinner at home and then studied all night.  the homework here is just mainly a lot, A LOT of reading...so we did that.  I went to sleep around 10 which is highly unusual for a college student.
Today was the second day of class and it was ok...same old same old, except we had European Studies and Western Civ instead of Art History.  
After class, Marli(one of my roommates) and I went to the fresh produce market and bought some fruit and vegetables.  I also got some raisins--they are really yummy!  Much better than that boxed business back home!
It's drizzling here, so it's COLDER than iced cold, but it's ok.
I think I am going to go home and study, because we have a mixer tonight with other ACCENT students as a "get to know you" sort of a thing.  I will keep you posted on the rest of my happenings as they come...

oh...p.s. I found this ADORABLE pink leather bag/purse thing at the market today(not the produce market, the shopping kiosks) and it was only 45 Euros!  (I'm gonna bargain haha.) I just had to share because I haven't bought anything yet, and I want it!! haha

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