Wednesday, January 19, 2005

We've Been Cursed!

Alright, so far the weather has been cold, but fairly do-able. That is until Monday when Madeline, our Art History GTA(graduate teaching assistant), said of the "cold weather complaints" ..."well at least it's not raining, because usually it is this time of year here." WOW! What a curse?!?!?  As of yesterday is been drizzling, but nonstop and it makes for chilly weather worse!  The rain just sucks because well, rain just isn't fun when you have to walk everywhere...except for last night when I kind of did this leap-skip thing in the street cuz I felt like "dancing in the rain." yeah, so that's another story. 
Last night we had this Mixer at ACCENT for all of their study abroad students to meet each other and whatnot.  It was cool, we met some people from TCU(Texas Christian University...which we totally BEAT in basketball earlier this year, woohoo GO HAWKS!).  It was nice to mingle with the people I already know on my trip haha...everyone kind of stuck to their crowd at first, but after awhile it got better.  I pretty much talked to Jeff and Sarah the whole time(Jeff is one of 2 guys on our program and Sarah is 1 roomie).  Afterward the mixer my roommates and I, Jeff and Kevin(the 2 guys) decided to go to this pub that's right around the corner from my apartment.  It was kind of fun to go have a drink and sit and chat with everyone and get to know the boys since we haven't really talked to them. (yes, we all had a drink on a school night! but you would SHOCKED at how PACKED the pub was at 11p.m. on a TUESDAY night).  Let me tell you though how much FUN we had!!  The 7 of us really just had a blast.  I have a nickname now(aside from the misfit title I got on the first day for being late to class).  Jeff told Liz(my roommate) that she was his new best friend on the trip and so I pretended to be offended and said I thought I was since we were late to class together! and he pretty much told me(with pure sarcasm) oh well, you're sooo cool that you're past the best friend're like a symbol now, like Prince. (and since I got him a 7-up at the mixer when I got my drink) he goes, like the're a dot!  Ok, dottie it is! (I guess you had to be there...but it's still sort of amusing! :) Him and Kevin are really awesome, but we feel bad for them since it's just the two of them...all the time...alone because they live together, eat together and sleep in the same room.  Human interaction is at a minimum for them aside from class, so apartment 8 on via de porcellana(our apartment) has kindly taken them in as our "friends".  The quotes are for the fact that the 5 of us joke that the only reason we want to be their friends is because they can be our escorts when we want to go out later at night and having males with us is a smart idea blah blah blah.  (It's not(totally) true! haha, no, they're really great guys!) 

Today we had class and it's cold and rainy again.  Though we think there's a ghost of some sort in our classroom because the doors and windows kept opening on their own every few minutes...CREEPY. :)  This afternoon at 2 we are going to visit the Palazzo Vecchio for our Art History site visit...I'm sure I will more on that later!

Other than that...I have one more thing to comment on:  People tell me I will love coming here, but it will make me appreciate the things I have at home so much more afterwards.  Let me tell you this:  I've been here a week and I already 100% appreciate so much more 3 things:  My pillow back home(the one here is flat as a pancake!), my fleece jacket that is warm and cozy, and last, but not fact, it's first: HEAT!!  Central heating is an unknown modern technology Europeans for some reason refuse to acquire.  Staying warm means 12 layers and lots of winter gear that for sitting nicely tucked away somewhere at home! It's ok though, it's not terrible.  It just makes me really miss having heat. 

Lots of Love!

Ciao Bella! 

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