Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Week 2

ok, so it's the beginning of week two...and far it's gone off without a hitch.  Sunday was boring, yesterday was little more exciting.  I had class(oh big joy!) and we went to Santa Croce(a church) for our Art History site visit.  It was pretty neat...not as exciting though because a lot of the things were blocked off and covered up because of restoration things they are working on--so we only got to see about half of the things Madeleine really wanted to show us.  It was still interesting...I got in just enough pictures before my camera decided to take a nap and eat the batteries for good :)  (Side note:  I know everyone wants to see pictures, but for some reason this website is not allowing me to put them up from here in Europe so I'm looking into other website options for pictures and will let you know soon!)  Yesterday after our site visit, I came home and read Aristotle like it was going out of season...homework rocks my world. (note the sarcasm).  It's actually pretty interesting, but this reading business has GOT to stop haha.  For dinner yesterday, Liz and I went and got pizza while the rest of our roommates took this cooking class.  I decided not to take the class because let's be honest here folks, I don't need to spend 120 Euro on a class to teach me how to make risoto and stuff that we all know Chef Maureen can teach to me for the small price of me being a pain in her butt! :)  The pizza was good(no Lou Malnati's though...) and afterwards we decided to get Gelato--the chocolate will be the end of me here, it's so good!  We also each got a pastry of some sort with like jelly filling to take home and save for later.  The desserts here look really good, but other than the gelato, surprisingly enough I have not tried them yet! Shocker I know...I have a major sweet tooth!  I promise to get right on top of that.  This morning we had class for 3 hours straight and the rest of the afternoon off...what to do?  There's only so many times you can walk around the city--especially when it's FREEZING here today.  Granted it's no 12 feet of snow that you people are "claiming" to have gotten, haha, but it's still COLD.  Remember: it may be 45 degrees here, but we don't have HEAT!!!  Just thought I'd point that out...again.

This weekend we have our first day trip to Siena/San Giorgmano(?)  on friday.   Saturday I think my roommates and I and probably the guys are going to Venice for the night...but I think we're trying to ditch Jeff, that's what Liz said anyways.  (btw, I know that sounds mean, but he's probably reading this so don't stress about it).  I am really excited about Venice--the gondolas and stuff...how romantic!  Me...and my four roommates. HAHA  I will keep y'all posted on this weekend stuff once the weekend is over.

Now...back to my day because the sales end this week and if I'm going to shop, I might as well do it when I can buy more because everything's ON SALE! 


OK SURVEY(and please don't ask questions, I just want opinions): If you could pick one career for Jaime to have...what would you pick???  Email me back and let me know, or leave comments on this page! GRAZIE!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jaime should be anything she wants to be.  Whatever her heart is passionate about!  Love the mom xxoo