Friday, January 28, 2005

Holy Snowflakes Batman!

Last night, 3 of my roommates and I went to this adorable little trattoria literally across the street from our apartment!  Our teacher had recommended it and said it was supposed to be very we went, and it was delicious!  The food was amazing...not to mention the breadsticks rocked! :)  I had soup a filet mignon--really really tasty, though the steak was a little undercooked for my liking.  The people there were so nice to us, and we just had a great meal(however, it was like 30 euro a person!...we ate a lot!)  Afterwards, Liz really wanted gelato--so at 10 p.m. on a thursday night, we decided to roam the town to find a gelateria that was open...we finally found one and we were all soooo happy!  I had chocolate, of course, and also mint...what a fantabulous mix! :)

This morning we all had to get up at the crack of dawn(6:15 a.m. to be exact) to shower and get ready for our day trip to Siena.  The bus ride wasn't too bad...only about an hour and I listened to music the whole time and tried to get a mini-nap in.  Once we got there, there was this odd white flakey stuff coming down and it was wet and cold...oh wait a minute, it was SNOW!  I had forgotten what that stuff looked like!  It was really freazing out all day but we toughed it out.  Towards the end it sucked because not only were my shoes soaking wet, but so were my socks and my jeans were soaked mid-way up my calves!  Let's just say I my feet were froze, my nose was froze...and I just wanted to go home! haha, it was a good day though!  We also got to taste these really good cookies that our teacher Madeleine said were really delicious--they are like an almond cookie that was crunchie on the outside and a little more "raw" on the inside, covered in powdered sugar.  My expert "sugar" tasting tongue decided it was definitely worth it and really good! I forget what they are called...but maybe my mom can learn to make them! (haha, they start with an r...who knows!)  We came back home...and now I'm sitting here.  Lots of fun!

Tomorrow may or may not be a trip with the boys/roomies to Cinque Terre...we're deciding on the weather, it's FRICKIN' Freezing here!  Anyways...back home to attempt to be warm and watch MTV in Italian all night! Ciao!

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