Saturday, January 15, 2005

I'm here!

Buon Giorno from Firenze! (that's Florence in Italian).  I made it here safely, and I have survived my first 3 days in Italy.  The flights were good, though Germany was interesting.  Of course I had the smallest airplane ever from Frankfurt to Florence, which scared me a little, but I survived.  Thursday was impossible to survive, the jet lag was a bit overpowering and I final caved in(accidentally) while reading my book for about 2 hours in the afternoon before we were taken to dinner at a nearby Pizzeria by ACCENT which is the place that coordinates our program over here through KU. (basically, they're the study abroad place here that helps schools with their school, excursions, apartments, etc).  I survived my first meal of Bruschetta(no surprise, I love it!), Masteccoli(I spelled that really wrong) with meat sauce...yes, I tried it.  It was alright, not something I would neccesarily jump to eat again, but I tried it which is the important thing.  Then we had Turkey and potatoes, and vanilla flan with chocolate sauce for dessert.  The flan was interesting, the texture takes some getting used to--it jiggles. haha.  Yesterday we got up early, got our apartment assignments and moved in.  I live in a cute 3 bedroom with 4 other girls who are really nice.  3 of them are sophomores and 1 is a senior graduating in May.  I think the culture shock officially hit as I was unpacking and I cried, but I think after a few days or a week, I will be alright.  It takes some getting used to around here--I don't know where I'm at or where I'm going and I am lost on every street we turn on...but I'm trying to learn!  Yesterday my roommates and I went to the Penny Markey(which is the grocery store basically) and bought some essentials for our apartment.  We also "splurged" and bought a HUGE bottle of white wine for only 5 Euro!  Ahhh... the beauty of being able to drink legally here. :) The 5 of us went to dinner last night at this cute little restaurant about 5 minutes from our apartment and again, I survived the meal.  I ate Roasted Chicken with potatoes(it was one of their specials for the day) and some form of Minestrone soup.  It was rice and beans and veggies but not in the tomato base a Minestrone normally is...but it was good! 

We start class on Monday morning(woopdeedoo) and we have the weekend to wander and do what we want.  I will keep you all posted on my far, so good! 

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