Thursday, January 27, 2005

Black Wednesday

Ok, so the picture thing didn't exactly work out...I'll figure it out and get back to you.

Well, yesterday was probably the most interesting day since I've arrived in Europe.  Nothing like a trip to Florence without a visit to the local emergency room...leave it to me to make sure my visit is complete.  Yesterday started out pretty normal--got up, went to class.  This girl Meg got up at some point because she wasn't feeling well and fainted.  She went out of the room to recoop...fainted again.  She's feeling better...but the day just got worse.  After class I went about my day as usual, had lunch...went to the Accademia for our Art History site visit.  20 minutes into it Jeff disappeared, 30 seconds after that...SPLAT.  He fell to the ground.  So much for class.  The museum people called the ambulance and what not.  While we were all waiting for the ambulance to arrive, I sat down because I was getting a major headache.  Slowly and surely, I had what was my very first blackout.  The emt's came and Jeff and I ended up in the emergency to get checked out.  I don't speak Italian--at all, but I'm guessing mine was a simple(ha) case of dehydration.  I had an IV of who knows what, and I was in the hospital for 3 hours. OH JOY.  I'm fine I feel weak and tired, but I am getting better.  I ended up not going to class however, because I was afraid 3 hours of walking around was not a good idea...especially with this weekend coming up.  I slept most of the morning, and now I'm just taking it slow.  But man...THAT WAS WEIRD.  I don't care for hospitals much.  Don't worry though...I am doing alright, I just needed some water and some rest. 

Tonight, depending on how I feel, some of us might go to this movie theater where they play english movies like once a week or so and tonight it's RAY with Jamie Foxx...I heard it was a great movie, so I'd like to see it. 

Tomorrow is our day trip to Siena/San Gimignano.  I'm looking forward to it, but we have to be at the train station at 7:45 A.M.!!!  Way to early for me.  hehe. Looks like our trip to Venice is out...we had trouble booking a hotel, not to mention that currently, the town is flooded.  Oops--looks like we forgot our flood boots to walk in knee-deep water!  Oh well, we'll save it for another weekend.  We're looking into doing a day trip type thing somewhere saturday instead...who knows. 

Anyhow...I'm on my way back home to uh, do nothing.  Ciao!

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