Friday, January 21, 2005

A shopper's paradise

Ciao! and happy friday!  I have officially had one week of classes...and yesterday was full of adventure!  We didn't really have class, we had our two site excursions to the Piazza's and to the Synagogue.  Afterwards, Liz, Marli, Nicole, Jeff and I went and took the bus to Fiesole.  It is a town in the top of the mountains here, and the view is undescribable.  From where we were standing, you could see the entire city of Firenze, and then some!  It was really neat to see it all and to be with my friends.  We had a great time!  I was talking to Jeff on the bus, and he doesn't know what he's up to for break, neither does his roommate Kevin, and my roommate Nicole doesn't know...but there's potential for a trip to Greece! (How cool!)  After we got back, my roommates and I went to dinner at a little restaurant near our apartment, then went to the pub again since we didn't have class today.  Sarah and I left early because we were tired...but it was a fun evening!  Today I got to sleep in...something I haven't done in a long time! (For all of you "non-believers" in that statement, I'm up every morning at 7:30 to get ready for class so shhhh!).  Then I went and grabbed a sandwich at a snack shop, which was really really good--though I have very little clue what was on it--and walked through the market and bought that cute purse I wanted! yeah :)  I'm a happy camper!  Then I walked through town and went to the Ponte Vecchio and drooled at all the jewelry in the windows--that's where all of the gold is, wow--amazing!  I started to head back and went through another market area and bought a REAL cashmere Pashmina in a very pretty periwinkle-ish color for only 15 Euro!!  For anyone at home knows that real pashmina's are like $100!  That made me happy!  I did not however, like some parents of mine would like to convince me of, buy or attempt to buy a leather coat. (however...and if you say I told you so, we're in a fight...the idea is starting to grow on me).  :)  It's all in good fun.  The markets here are amazing...there are so many little kiosks and so many things you can buy...oy, I'm a shopaholic in Woodfield...I think I may have issues here because everything is great! 

Tonight my roomies and I and the boys(of course) are going to some hip-hop club that is free entry for international students.  Yeah, I know...I'm in Italy and going to a hip hop club, but it should be fun!  I do think that going will make me really start to miss my friends back home and all the fun we had going to the bars...especially when Kris and I attempted to teach Phil how to dance haha!  Other than that, the word of the trip is "scuzi".  Not just to say has to be very attitudey!  Don't know why it's the word, but it's the word.  Oh, and yesterday at lunch, the rest of my roommates declared the boys as "ours" for the rest of the trip!  haha...They got invited to some jazz club with some of the other girls, and we were all like, um "scuzi" but we didn't say you could hang out with other people! haha(it's not a serious thing, but they are "ours"!  (evil laughing)hahahahahahaha.


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