Saturday, January 29, 2005

I miss heat comments from the peanut gallery on the fact that I'm listening to Gretchen Wilson.  I don't listen to country music,  what are you talking about?!?!? 

Not really much else to say so far--just thought I'd throw in a hello to everyone.  This morning we went to the market and then we came home, I started homework--oh joy with the fun I'm having doing this homework!  I swear, torture is really fun for all professors. :)  It's all good...

Ok, so this heat thing.  I swear until my dad looked at the weather online, thought it couldn't possibly be that cold's like 10 below in Illinois, I can't possibly be upset that I'm missing it!  Well, let's just point out the fact that it might be warmer here...but I have no heat! (well, European heat I have...) I really just wish I could sit at home snuggled in front of the fireplace, with my doggies, drinking hot cocoa that's not thicker than molasses!(even though it was good!)  Oh well, I guess it's one of those "life lesson" things I'm supposed to be learning! haha...

Ciao for now!

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