Sunday, February 6, 2005


When in as the Romans do! I never actually understood that statement, but whatever.  This weekend was absolutely FABULOUS! Let's start from the beginning...

Thursday night my roommates, Jeff(Kevin was busy), our teacher Madeline and I all went out to celebrate our 3 weeks anniversary together here in Firenze.  We started off at our favorite little Irish pub around the corner...the night only got better from there!  Long story short, we all got pretty drunk(except for Jeff the miraculous wonder who can drink til the co

ws come home, doesn't get drunk or hungover).  Madeline drunk...OH MY.  After our pub Jeff attempted to take us to this "club" which he had no idea where it was...or if it even existed, which it didn't, so we ended up at the mexican restaurant for drinks and had chips and salsa(so good when you're drunk).  At about 3 I finally went to bed, had to get up to go to Rome the next morning...WOAH HANGOVER.  Actually, it wasn't too bad, but the two margaritas that were fabulous going down are never good the next morning. Tequila's funny like that.   So on the bus I got some definite nap time in.  Friday...

Friday was a really really long day, but fun.  When we got to Rome (after a nauseating bus ride) we went straight to the Galleria Borghese and looked at all kinds of statues and  Friday night some of us went to Alfredo's (thanks parentals for the recommendation) and had the best fettucini alfredo ever originally invented(not that I can compare, I had never had it anywhere else before). BUT, it was GREAT.

Saturday morning we got up at the crack of dawn and stood in line for the Vatican.  After about an hour and a half, which wasn't bad apparently, we got to go see everything inside.  It was really neat to be inside the Vatican...all of the paintings and sculptures were really impressive. However, when we got to the Sistine Chapel, I was slightly disappointed.  I guess I was just expecting to walk in and be amazed.  I walked in and sort of went, you've seen one fresco, you've seen em all.  Don't get me wrong, it was really cool--I just guess I expected more from it.  After that, we had a break and ate lunch, then went to St. Peter's Basilica. Now THAT was amazing!  EVERY single thing in that church was made of stone.  The paintings that were originally there were taken down and mosaic-ed and it was amazing.  Everything in there was HUGE--like to the point where you cannot even begin to imagine the size of how big things actually were.  CRAZY. I loved it!  After that we had another break--a bit of naptime, then a walking tour of Rome. Nothing terribly special...we were all beat!  Saturday night (my roommate) Sarah and this girl Lindsey and I went to dinner in the little square where our hotel--which I forgot to mention was cute, it's one of the oldest hotels in Rome, or Italy, I forget--anyways.  Dinner was really good.  The three of us sat talking forever, then came back to the hotel and talked for like 2 hours.  It was cool to spend time getting to really know lindsey, because I hadn't really before last night.  This morning we woke up, packed our bags and stored them, then went to the Jewish Ghetto Quarter of Rome, the Roman Ruins(phenominal!) and the Coloseum!  It was really cool.  After the Coloseum some of us went to the Spanish Steps and the Trevie Fountain.  The Fountain was so COOL!(totally reminds me of Gidget Goes to Rome...but that's another story...) I made a wish and threw a coin in the if my wish comes true, I will tell you what I wished for, but not beforehand otherwise it won't come true!  Then we got back on the bus around 3 and headed back to Firenze.  The busride was again NAUSEATING...I almost threw up, not like you really wanted to know that, but it was weird because I'm not one to get motion sickness so who knows?!? 

I had a great weekend in Rome!  I have about a bazilion pictures that I will post on my website in the next few days!

I'm I'm off to find dinner, shower, maybe a nap...then since we don't have class until 2p.m. tomorrow, we're going to this bar to watch some of the superbowl that doesn't start til 1a.m. here!  WOW...what a WEEKEND!

(in the words of Jeff): CIAO BELLAS!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your mother knows what you wished for! xxoo